Cultivating curiosity and nurturing a lifelong passion for learning.

The development of artificial intelligence has brought about significant impacts on various aspects of our lives, both personal and professional. As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, it is essential that we adapt and expand our knowledge within the realm of AI. This website serves as a comprehensive repository of valuable information and resources to facilitate your transition into the world of AI.

Here, you will find a curated selection of learning activities designed to spark your creativity and enable you to craft innovative learning experiences that surpass conventional educational models. Embracing minor adjustments can lead to a profound comprehension of our learning goals, while actively engaging students in the cutting-edge technologies and methodologies they will encounter in their personal and professional futures.

The images below were created by AI

This section will give you the background and intrigue surrounding the creation and forecasts of AI

This section will provide you with regular updates on AI and it's impact

A brief background on learning theory and Instructional Design

Ideas and examples for adapting to AI in traditional and online classrooms 

Great AI tools to make you more effective and save you time

Syllabus and Campus policies related to AI

Social Learning

Please consider helping our community with your amazing assessments or assignment strategies! 

If you have something to contribute or strategies you have found to be successful in your class, please share them with our community.